
Reduced dependence on the Arabuko-Sokoke Forest (ASF) means reduced destruction which leads to a healthy and protected forest. Over the years, providing eco-bursaries for children living around this globally important forest has proofed to work. But in addition to it, we still need to engage families living around ASF, teaching them about alternative way of life that isn’t harmful to the forest. It is only when every aspect of their lives is transformed that the forest will be conserved.

The environmental education team went out to teach the Arabuko-Sokoke Schools and Eco-Tourism Scheme (ASSETS) beneficiaries parents at Mijomboni on ways of molding a foundation of the energy saving stove. The liners used are able to sustain heat for a long time, and use less firewood thus saving or reducing cutting of trees. It was an interactive session as we build the foundation of one of the liners, to complete the energy saving stove.

Explaining the ”why” before demonstrating the ”what”

Interested in making this at home?

In case you would want to have your own energy saving jiko, this is a step by step process of making it. Here is what you need;

  •  Soil-(5 wheelbarrows)
  •  Ash/chalk
  • Small stones
  • Water

What is even better, is that these materials are locally available and won’t cost a thing!

Happy women with their liners

Making the stove

Below is the simplified process just for you;

  • Measure 1*1 meter, on the ground where you want the jiko. It should be somewhere with wind access.
  • Soak the liner for around 30 minutes.
  • Mix the soil and ash.
  • Add a layer of stones then the layer of the mixed ash is added until the needed height of the foundation.
Adding a layer of stone to the foundation
  • Set the liner on top of the foundation, the V shaped space should directly face the door.
  • Do a test to ensure that the liner is well balanced. This is by placing a sufuria with water on top of the foundation. If it is not balanced, add pebbles until it is balanced.
Is it balanced? I believe ours is.
  • After balancing the liner, add layer of stones and then lastly you mud the foundation, starting from the liner going outwards.
  • Small pebbles of stone are then placed in the liner.
  • Finally, one can smoothen the surface, so as the foundation can have a great look.
    The energy saving stove after being molded, should not be used for the first 5 days. It should be left to dry before one can start using it. After the 5 days, start with light cooking such as preparing tea, nothing that takes more than an hour to prepare. Thereafter, it can be used to cook all the other meals.
Looking good


As we mentioned, reducing the pressure exerted on the Arabuko-Sokoke Forest by the neighboring community is our number one priority as ASSETS. And even though providing eco-bursaries for kids from this community has reduced this pressure by a significant margin, we still need such additional steps of engaging the community. For instance, if this jiko is built well, it can be used up to five years. In addition, it consumes less firewood, produces less smoke and has minimal risks to children.

Done and dusted

Willing to support?

ASSETS is only as strong as those people supporting it. To make this work and keep this going, we need your support. If you are willing to support the work of ASSETS, please click this link or gift us here. It only takes Ksh. 6000 to get a child through school and do such works for a whole month! Thank you so much for your support.