Lennox Kirao

Research scientist

I was  born and raised in  Mida Creek. I studied Environmental Sciences at Pwani University
I joined ARK on 1st May 2014 as an intern, very passionate with plants. I knew ARK way back when I was still in my primary school when ARK EE staff would visit our school for EE lessons. Am a proud alumnus of the ASSESTS program which funded my secondary school between 2005 and 2008.
I head and coordinate most of the ARK’s terrestrial projects. My work involves bird monitoring (bird ringing, bird counts, studying breeding success of Roseate terns), plant identification, studying plants behavioural changes over seasons, camera trapping and use of Audiomoths, enthusing Coastal birders and geographical mapping.

One thing I appreciate a lot is the great satisfaction knowing that what am doing as my work is a fulfilment of my responsibility as a Christian.
I love plants and I enjoy a lot spending time identifying and learn about them. Am a birder, more so on bird watching and ringer. Am easily distracted by GIS and I might forget to do other tasks for hours when I open QGIS.

What a wonderful  feeling knowing that what people pay and travel to come and enjoy, is entirely my daily duty and greatly make up my job description. For this i am truly grateful.

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